
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Shoulder Bags & Lotus Birth Bag

In 2009, my friend Saree helped me sew a shoulder bag, using the Lickety Split pattern from Made by Rae. I gave the finished product to one of my sister's for Christmas later that year:

Saree gave me so much help with this project, that when I went to sew a second bag for myself I really struggled. I ended up getting it half way done and then letting it sit on the shelf for a year. 

When I did get it out again and decide to finish it off (this time with more confidence and a lot less bugging Saree lol) I was heavily pregnant with my second child and had decided I would use the bag to store our baby's placenta in during our lotus birth (the first few days of life when baby, cord and placenta remain attached until they naturally detach).

We wrapped the placenta in a damp towel and a piece of PUL fabric before placing it in the bag so the bag didn't get damp.

Once she was lotus born I went on to use the bag as a handbag for aaaages. I used it so much the fabric faded and then I decided to put it away for safe keeping.

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