
Cake Decorating

Before becoming a mother, I vowed that when I did have children, I would use their birthdays to motivate myself to learn how to make fun novelty cakes (myself, always opting for the boring chocolate deliciousness during my own childhood). So far I have lived up to my promise and made a novelty cake for each birthday, including my husband's, lol. 

To get started we pick a theme that fits with the birthday child's latest interests and then google for ideas and see how others have made edible art with that theme. Usually I can work out how to recreate a cake I've seen online, editing slightly to suit what I have available and what I think would work best. Other times I will buy a novelty cake tin and use the piping instructions to decorate a cake baked into the novelty shape of the pan. Occasionally I will use a specific tutorial from a blog or book to create a cake.

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